Why a One-Click Approval Workflow Is a Company's Superpower

What is a One-Click Approval Workflow? Well, it’s pretty much as simple as it sounds. One-click approval workflow is productivity at its finest.
Written by:  Allison Reich
Last Updated:  August 23, 2024

What is a one-click approval workflow?

Well, it’s pretty much as simple as it sounds. One-click approval workflow is productivity at its finest. Managers or purchasing supervisors are able to approve or decline a company purchase with a tap of their finger. Instead of going through the long and tedious traditional approval workflow of cross-communicating and waiting for approvals for days or weeks, companies can purchase products and have them delivered in the time it would have taken their manager’s manager to open their email. 

As you can imagine, this saves companies the two things they can’t afford to lose: time and money.

One-click approvals: your company’s superpower

There is only one term that can truly sum up the true impact of an easy, one-click approval workflow: efficiency. Efficiency is a true superpower for companies. Period. Not only do one-click approval workflows streamline your entire AP workflow and save time and money, but they also give managers the ability to oversee purchases, prevent fraudulent charges, and keep close tabs on all purchasing patterns; this superpower allows managers the opportunity to cut costs, get products faster, and improve the overall efficiency of the purchasing process—directly resulting in improving the overall efficiency of the business. And what does higher efficiency in business mean? You guessed it. Cha-ching!

As Investopedia puts it, efficiency is “a peak level of performance that uses the least amount of inputs to achieve the highest amount of output.” Simply put, one-click approvals make it possible for companies to order what they need in seconds. In every company's case, wasted time is wasted money.

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How Order.co’s one-click approvals help companies thrive

Order.co’s one-click approval workflow enables companies to scale their operations by eliminating the traditional, time-consuming (and sometimes non-existent) approval process. 

With hundreds of nationwide studios, CorePower Yoga needed an efficient approval workflow to combat their $50,000 in monthly rogue spend. Stefanie Teintze, Facilities and Property Management Specialist, explains that, before Order.co, there was “no process or system to manage spend at our locations. Each location was making its own spend decisions and regularly going over budget. We had no visibility or control of spend, and invoice audits showed we were averaging close to $50k in unapproved spend monthly.” 

“By implementing controls and approval processes, Order.co has allowed us to essentially eliminate all unapproved spending. ”
Stefanie Teintze CorePower Yoga

With Order.co’s one-click approvals, CorePower Yoga has implemented an easy approval workflow. “By implementing controls and approval processes, Order.co has allowed us to essentially eliminate all unapproved spending,” adds Stefanie. With one-click approvals, Stephanie and the CorePowerYoga team have visibility on their spend, the ability to budget, and the necessary tools to expand faster than competitors.

Order.co's One-Click Approval Workflow:

We make approvals easy.

Order.co sends the manager a push notification or an email to either approve or decline a purchase with a simple click. By using Order.co as your go-to purchasing platform, not only do you centralize all approvals, but you are also able to access and reorder past products, organize all company expenditures, and budget accordingly. A one-click approval workflow is the holy grail—the “superpower”—that hundreds of fast-growing companies are adopting, and they’re not turning back. 

Give your company the superpower of efficiency. Schedule a demo with Order.co today!

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